Monday, June 28, 2010

World Cup

Every 4 years the same thing happens, and this year I am particularly disappointed. England lost due to bad refereeing. Right now, I believe referees and politicians are the most hated professions in the world. They have the power to change a side from a winning side to a losing one, vice versa. It's a lot of responsibility and they can't seem to handle it well especially when it's so clear when they are wrong. No wonder referees got a whole bus load of death threats and politicians get assassinated. Even Germany's goalkeeper admitted that the ball was over the line and Lampard did scored a goal, but just as Fabio Capello said," It's incredible, with five referees and they can't decide if it's a goal or no goal. The game was big different after this goal. It was the mistake of the linesman and I think the referee because from the bench I saw the ball go over the (line)."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Toy Story 3

Watching Toy Story 3 was one of the first times I went to watch a movie that was premiering on that same day. It all started when me and my friend were sitting on the LRT train that was plastered with Toy Story posters and we decided to go to 1 Utama to watch it since we had nothing much to do and much time to waste. We lined up at TGV trying to get the best tickets 'cause we couldn't find GSC anywhere, and due to our male ego that restricted us from asking directions. By the time we found GSC (which was an hour later), it was too late and I missed a chance to watch Toy Story 3 in 3D! Dang! No worries, it was too late to regret, we had to eat lunch by that time. We then wasted another 30 minutes looking for McDonald's (which we LATER found out was in the old wing next to KFC) and had to settle for the first fast food place we saw, which was A&W's. Not to say A&W's suck, but they kinda suck, with a pedobear-like mascot (Burger King was like 20 steps away from there). To be honest, I didn't think much about Toy Story and I didn't watch Toy Story 2 (I think I chose computer games over it). Toy Story didn't really excite me when I was younger watching it on DVD. Sure, it was fun watching stupid toys coming to life after their owner gets out of the room and running around in fast food containers in a pizza themed playland meeting green three-eyed aliens with no brains and a morbid fascination with claws, then Woody the Cowboy with Buzz Lightyear would get toy-napped by vicious Sid and have to escape from his insane toy tortures (somewhat worse than human tortures), which includes tying them up with firecrackers and blowing them up just to be fixed back again by other disfigured toys. They then miraculously escape from Sid's grip and fly back into their owner's lap. The End.
"****, to think I just wasted 1 hour and 21 minutes for that?"
"Toys have more fun in their adventures than humans?"

Ok, back to serious stuff, in Toy Story 3, Andy (the toys' owner) finally grows up, he is going to college and what happens to the toys? Either get sent to the attic or the day-care center. But the toys want to be played with, so guess where do they go? The Sunshine Day Care Center. There they meet hilariously vain Ken, Lotso the fat hugging bear, super-creepy fake Baby and some other toys that were also donated or thrown out by their owners. Woody, being Woody, decides that he wants to be with Andy and leaves the day care center only to find out his friends need him even more than his owner in the sinister day care center (imagine that? crazy kids rushing in to play with you?). Buzz Lightyear gets in touch with his Spanish side and professes his love for Jessie the cowgirl (which is really funny), Mr. Potato Head gets a new fragile body and his wife Mrs. Potato Head misses an eye (downright weird) and Totoro getting his first Hollywood cameo (I guess). All in all, it was entertaining, fun, awesome (probably even awesome-r than just awesome) and pretty touching at the end.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Shortest Confession Post Ever!

Been downloading albums (illegally), this past few days.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Just got back from fun, exciting, refreshing, thought-provoking, one-of-a-kind-camp!
It's been so long since I went to one and this has been by far one of the most unique and interesting camp to reflect on what you've been doing in your life.
LIFEGame is a game that allows participants to get a chance to play themselves at the starting age of 15, beginning with getting an education and having jobs according to your education level, then you can begin to live a life that you want to, like working as a doctor, policeman or a parking attendant etc. (I started out as a dropout so you can imagine what I did for a living.)
You are free to do anything in the game world, such as marrying, robbing, killing, having babies(excluding the process), buying cars/yachts/houses, gambling and paying tax incomes etc.

To me, it was a very eye-opening experience especially when I found out how much I've been lagging in my Christian life and how much more things I haven't been doing in this world while I'm still alive, for example, telling the good news to the people around me, especially loved ones and classmates whom I have been constantly avoiding this topic when around with them.
I could only imagine what they would say when Judgement Day arrives and how bad I would have felt if it really DID happen.
It's also shown me how easy it is to get caught up with the world and all its sins and how thankful I was when I found out that LIFEGame was just a GAME.

Monday, May 31, 2010


After 10 millions of not blogging, I've come to terms that I
will not blog anymore.
just kidding.

It's the last week of middle year exams and add maths I am having tomorrow. Difficult it will be, but persevere I shall. Guide me, Master Yoda will to the ends of Additional Maths and Victory shall be mine. Btw, when I mean victory, it kinda means fail so I won't get so disheartened.
Enough of Star Wars crap, time to go and study! (Even if I end up failing, so be it, at least my mom won't be nagging me all day.)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Just A Little Bit More..

Oh Yeah! just two more days to end all moronic studying that had been done by me in this year. Books will be thrown and burned, pens and pencils crushed to bits and teachers will be out of my life for about three months. I just keep waiting, yeah, waiting....
Maths tomorrow, my most troubling subject (caused me tons of headache and made me pissed about a million times memorising the formulas until I remembered that they will provide it for us, finally cutting my life span to half), meanwhile, Sejarah is more on the easy side, just hope that there won't be stupid questions about dumb "nilai"s with choices so close it makes it impossible to answer.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Here I come Monday!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Some Crap, Part V

Our class store room got locked two days ago. There goes our busking site. Me and a fellow classmate of mine used to bring guitars to school and play whatever songs that came to mind in that small, lonely place with a sound/fire-proofed door. It came very useful when a few of us used to sneaked in after finishing Geography or Maths or English homework during class and play Viva La Vida and Wake Me Up When September Ends before coming out to realise it was already recess and everybody has gone out. Then we would go in and play more stuff until it school was over. Just kidding. For me, it was a sanctuary for those who were mentally and physically bored with crapness of school life and seeking for ultimate pleasure in it's purest form, that is, music. Holy crap, what the hell am I writing? I guess I was just going through such a difficult phase of the reality that I am probably not going to go in there for forever and that hurts so much that I am emotionally distressed to the point of thinking of failing my BM trial paper so that I could make my freaking teacher who caught us playing during her period piss off and regret not letting us release our creative juices in a more productive way so we don't end up like zombies in a far land called North Korea and infect millions of others with the some lethal poisonious gas that disrupts our brains from working so that we can all be communists and hppies at the same time, smoking weed and drinking beer from a well in order to act like a scholar in China voting for democracy near Tiananmen where thousands were killed and I really have to stop writing before I get caught by Kim Jong Il and his communist brethrens for writing something illegal that could cause World War III to happen more quickly than it will and make me a prisoner in Cuba where Fidel Castro would c*strate your prostrate glands. Wow, that was long. I think I'm finished with my crap. Time to write a song about it. I'll call it "The Communist C*stration Makes Us Sad People", but I still think it sounds too political for a four chord song. What about "BM Makes Me Want to Puke Crap" instead? Anyway, I gotta finish a song about my BO challenged friend Shahrul aptly titled "Shahrul, Apa Bau Itu?" first. Crap, I'm behind schedule.....