Saturday, June 27, 2009
Anarchy in Malaysia
I'm bored. I don't want to do revision. I don't want to go to school. I just want to play Pokemon on the computer and surf the net listening to mind-blowing songs and jump around screaming ROCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! or REVOLUSIIIIIIIIIIIII! or something anarchic all day. Recently, I have become quite sick of the whole education system reverting the teaching of Science and Maths in English back to BM, a backward language. Because of that and some of the other stuff happening in my life, I am beginning to become fascinated with the Guy Fawkes mask (courtesy of V for Vendetta) and Crowd Lu, a Taiwanese indie singer/composer who writes these funny, crazy songs that makes you want to laugh and sing-a-long at the same time. He a quirky, mushroom-haired, bespectacled guy always wearing shorts (even during major events and concerts), socks pulled really high and a acoustic guitar in his hand. He won the Best New Artist Award and Best Composer Award at the recent 20th Golden Melody Awards. His songs are mainly a cross between folk-rock and acoustic pop with really crazy funny lyrics. Now, I gotta go back to screaming, "F*** the System!"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Some Crap, Part IV
Here I am, waiting for my character in Runescape to regenerate his health back to the max. Crap, I goota stop playing these online games. PMR is only a few months away and I am sitting here, waiting for a another round of Fist of Guthix so that I can buy some dumb Rune gauntlets for my noob 46-level warrior. Am I pathetic? My English teacher says I have the Middle-Child-Attention-Grabbing Syndrome which I have never heard before, but must be true since she caught me doing some crazy stuff (laughing continuously for 15 seconds, running up and down from my desk to Nicholas's to watch him catch Lugia, a legendary Pokemon on his handphone, disturbing Trisha with weird questions etc.) in class. She tried to counsel me, but nothing that stupid can change me from losing it for a few hours. Losing it makes me high for a few minutes or so. Listening to Eminem's "Just Lose It" makes it better, since it's poking fun at Michael(Child Molester)Jackson and a few other equally deserving idiots. I have no idea what to study or when to study, what homework to do or what to do with it, I seriously have something wrong with me. Sh*t.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Recently I learned a new word: Hobo. Nope, hobos are not hobbits and neither will they be. They are not a kind of race either. Hobos are multicultural homeless people living on the streets, drinking beer and smoking weed, plus scooping a few half-bitten, moss-covered Big Macs in the garbage bin. According to Wikipedia, my favourite and the world's most trusted web encyclopedia (Actually I like Chickipedia better, but don't tell anybody), Hobo is a term that refers to homeless migrants, particularly those who make a habit of hopping freight trains. The iconic image of a hobo is that of an itinerant beggar, one that was solidified in American culture during the Great Depression. Hobos are often depicted carrying a bindle and/or a sign asking for money. I learned about this word when my 9 year old cousin showed me this cool Hobo game online. You control a homeless, outright rude and extremely disgusting Hobo that has powers like puking green, radioactive-like mushy stuff and passing motion (sh*tting) on people to kill them. On the other hand, there are lighter attacks like spitting, farting and shooting mucus at enemies, namely police, the garbage collectors, high school dudes, hookers, their clients and some crazy aunties. The Hobo's mission is just to find a decent place to sleep, but the garbage collectors always mess with him so he wasn't happy with it at all. Nice game, too bad it was too short. Really want to try some neat Hobo moves with my classmates next time. Probably it will start a Hobo War that will cause the Hobo Judgement Day and Hobo-Terminators to attack me with burps and faeces and I will change my name to John Kevin Hobo Connor Jr. and be the prophesied messiah for all the Hobos in this world. Damn, I gotta stop day-dreaming. Hobos rule!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Terminator Salvation

This movie is the best Terminator show so far, excluding T2 and T1 (because I haven't watched T1 and T2 has the muscular Arnold Schwarzenegger kicking some robotic ass and the immortal "Hasta La Vista, Baby!" line that will always have a special spot in my heart). Needless to say, T3 was an absolute dissapointment, but on the bright side it has the ultra sexy T-X and also explains how Judgement Day happened, even though I didn't really like Kate Brewster in that film (Claire Danes is the least attractive/ugliest girl in all Terminator movies, even crazy strong Linda Hamilton is hotter than her). TS has the best fight scenes ever and explosives that go bang! every few seconds, suitable for a teenage boy like me. If that's not enough, Bryce Dallas Howard as the very pregnantly hot Kate and Moon Bloodgood as the insanely foxy Resistance soldier Blair will make your blood pumping like hell. Too bad there weren't really any intimate scenes, probably because it's like the end of the world and Terminators don't make good bed partners, right?. Anyway, Anton Yelchin in the shoes of spunky, street-smart, 17-something Kyle Reese is a showstealer, he certainly has gave his character a breath of youthful fresh air. Christian Bale and newcomer Sam Worthington have also done a good job in reviving the cool franchise and brought it to greater heights. I might have been bias but you just can't disagree that Terminator Salvation is a wonderful, action-packed movie that just screams for your attention and your nine bucks for the upcoming sequel, if there is one, I hope. "I BE BACK!"
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