Friday, November 28, 2008

Kevinosaurus rex

I got pretty bored and thought of posting this drawing that I made when I was, I guess, 4 or 5. It's supposed to be a dinosaur named after me, Kevin. It's official name is Kevinosaurus rex, haha... after the legendary Tyrannosaurus rex.

List of Online Games that I Played During Holidays

I have to admit that I have spent about 70% of my time online playing internet games. I didn't mean to waste my time playing these games, but they're freakin' addictive so I gave in, sort of. So, after gathering all my favorite online games, I compiled a list for it. I even took the liberty of putting their links on this page.

1. Club Penguin
My all-time favorite game and definitely the one that I spent the most time in during this holidays. I started playing this game last year and ever since Disney took over it, it's been getting better and better. I know some people consider Club Penguin childish because you can't curse (you'll get banned for a day or more) or kill each other (we prefer to throw snowballs). But nonetheless you'll get hooked making money by playing their mini-games such as Aqua Grabber, Pizzatron 3000, Jet Pack Adventure, Ice Fishing, Card Jitsu (currently having a yellow belt) etc. Well, the disadvantages of this game is you have to be a member to fully enjoy the whole buying clothes and puffles (some kind of weird-furry-cute-looking pets). But who cares? I get to kill my time playing with multicoloured penguins in a crazy penguin wonderland. (I have a cousin who uses this game to harass other penguins for fun).

2. Mytheria
This game is a replica of the famous Magic :The Gathering card game (or so I heard). It uses most of your brain as you build decks of cards to defeat challengers and complete missions. It's quite fun to play especially when you have good cards after beating challenges. I have a pure black and red deck respectively but still can't win the fourth challenge even though I've finished the rest, Aaarrrgghhh!!! I just wish that the missions were longer and harder.

3. Staggy the Boy Scout Slayer II
The title of the game is just as cool and nice as the game itself. It's by far the best hack and slash game I've played online. You play as Staggy, a knight who lives in the woods when he suddenly sees boy scouts (yup, you heard it right) invading his forest and he wants to drive them out by annihilating them. During the cut scene, you can hear him say, "Bloody Boy Scouts, in my forest? Again? I don't think so!" and starts wielding his sword. Each round, you're given 60 seconds to finish all the boy scouts and then you get to buy weapons such as Elven Swords (my fav), Orcish Blades, Axes, Lawn Mowers (needs batteries), Chainsaws (needs batteries too, duh) and Laser Swords (the coolest and the most expensive too), from the money that you get from killing scouts. When you play, make sure that you're speaker is on full blast because you really want to hear the poor helpless boy scouts armed with their wooden sticks, bows and arrows, swords and pogo sticks (weird huh?) scream in pain as you slash their intestines open. It's really amusing when you get the Uber-Sword power-up and you hack your way through them. Mindless killings, WOOOOHOOOOO!!!. Before you think I'm sadistic, let's move on to the next game.

4. Commando 2
This game really remind me of the Metal Slug games I used to play on the PS1 with my friends. You control a guy and get to customise his weapons from shotguns to handguns, bazookas to katanas and the really, really powerful Scorpion. I only managed to get through the first stage and got killed halfway throught the second. Nice shooting game, though.

5. Tactical Assasin 1 & 2, Sift Heads 2 and Clear Vision II
In these games, you play an assasin and are given missions from idiots to assasinate idiots and you get idiotic money from it. The best part of this game is you have to use you brain to guess who you're going to kill and then go for it. Did I mention that you can buy freakin' cool guns from the money you get? Awesome, man. There are also cheats (To be honest, I used all of them) for money, guns and missions. Nice. Yeah, and they're all stickmans, so you won't feel guilty killing them.

6. Boxhead
To tell you how awesome this game is would be difficult because you really need to play the game to really feel the coolness of shooting zombies and insanely powerful devils that shoots fireballs from their chests (yuck). There are exactly five Boxhead games around the internet, the first one was Boxhead: A Halloween Special (you have to escort civillians to safety while killing zombies overruning Boxville), Boxhead: The Rooms (you choose a room to play in and the objective is to kill as many zombies as you can while you upgrade your handguns into shotguns and grenades), Boxhead: More Rooms (more rooms, duh), Boxhead: 2Play (gives you the chance to join your friend on the same comp and continue blasting zombies and devils into the other world, also gives you a duel mode to battle with your friend in a room using all the bazookas, barrels, grenades and shotguns you have), Boxhead: The Zombie Wars (the latest from the Boxhead franchise, you have to defend your land from massive amounts of zombies, huge explosions are guaranteed.) One more thing, the bloodshed in this game doesn't dissapear like normal games do, cool, right? 

Lastly, I would like to thank my mom for allowing me to play these games during the holidays as payment for taking care of my younger sis, cooking, doing house chores and helping her do some stuff online. And for understanding that a boy like me should play these games to improve his grades when school reopens (JUST KIDDING! HAHAHAHAHAHA.....)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


A few days ago, me and my family went to a restaurant called Seoul Garden in Makhota Parade. My grandma and aunt also came with us. The place was kinda small and had a small special kind of wok to cook meat and in the middle of it there was a small pot to boil whatever you want to put in, fish balls, veggies, fish, noodles, prawns etc.
It looks like this

But the most amazing thing about this whole thing is the amount of MEAT they provide you with. You could stop being a vegetarian when you're there . Ranging from black pepper beef bulgogi (I don't know what the heck it means, but it must be Korean because it sounds stupid), Szechuan marinaded meat, Tom Yam marinaded meat (how the hell do they do that?) and some other meat that they take from cows who have epidemics like Mad-Cow Disease.

Here's the first plate of food that I took to my table.

It's kinda little, because then I was really shy.
But then, when we finished cooking the heavenly MEAT on the wok (It took my mom and sis 10 minutes, but for me it was like 2 and a half minutes, I know it's still a little raw, but who cares? It's MEAT!). I started looking like this

This is what MEAT does to me. I go nuts. I go crazy.
Because of that, I took a plate of veggies to make me sane again.

Mmmmm... onions always taste good.
Especially raw ones.
We had two tables. My mom, my sis and aunt were on one table. Me, my dad and grandma were on another table.
Our table was, as usual, loaded with meat and prawns.

Man, it still feels good looking at the MEAT.
Then, I had fun playing around with the ice grinder in the restaurant.
I made my very own grinded ice + kacang + sago + pinapples + sea coconut + gula melaka syrup ICE CREAM!
I only took the picture after eating, sorry 'cause it looked so freakin' delicious.

Hey, I think I'm hungry. Gotta stop now because I'm gonna cook some Maggi Mee Curry Sup now. Maggi Mee still rocks.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Visiting Grandparents' Home In Merlimau

Yesterday, my aunt dragged me, my two sisters and my cousins to my maternal grandparents' home. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like going there. It's just that I wasn't prepared for it at all. My aunt just came and told me that I should go (she was supposed to bring my little sister there) with them. I was kinda blur then, so I just went with them.

My maternal grandparents live in Merlimau (which is really far from my house) and their house is situated in the middle of a Malay kampung. So you can definitely see many Malay kids riding on their bikes and making strange noises everywhere.

When we arrived, I saw my grandma or 'Ah Ma' picking some veggies on her garden opposite of the house. So, I went over to take some pics (naturally).

She was collecting sweet potato leaves and it's for lunch, yay!

After that, I just had to take some pictures of my 2nd favorite dog, '小白' or 'Small White' in English (It's literally translated).

Well, as you can see, he isn't exactly small anymore. And he isn't covered in white fur. But he's dumb, and that's why I like him.

See? he's dumb. I love you, dog!

When I got back to the house, I saw my aunt frying nuggets. Mmmmm......

I tried frying them later and I succeeded in creating a plate of golden brown nuggets, I rock!

The back of the house is sort of like a jungle with mosquitoes everywhere.

The mangosteen tree and three banana trees.
Looks cool, right?

This is the second dog who guards the backyard. We don't have a name for it. He's dumb too. Thank God.

The cute rabbits in their pen. Even though they look somewhat cute, it's freakin' smelly in there with the FRESH poos and pees on the ground everywhere.

My little sister, Rachel, went into the pen and caught a baby rabbit and guess what they did to it?

They put the baby rabbit into a plastic bag. Cool, right?

Did I mention that the rabbit died a few minutes later?
Just kidding.

Our secret makeshift tree house. It's really cool, 'cause you can throw sticks or stones at the dog below for entertainment. I'm REALLY sick.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quantum of Solace

Probably one of the best Bond movies I've seen. Daniel Craig acting as the cold, hard and gritty Bond with a vengeance. To kill the ones who murdered Vesper, his one and true love. Well, on his way he uncovers a large secret organization called "Quantum of Solace"(who claims to have people everywhere) and meets with super-hot Camille, who also incidentally wants revenge on one of the Bolivian generals. Apart from that, there's the sexy Ms. Strawberry Fields (get that?) who is assigned to bring Bond back to England before he starts whipping out his gun to kill everybody.

There's a lot of exciting scenes like the car chase scene where Bond returns the Ashton Martin DBS with a door missing. And when the Eco-Hotel where Dominic Greene and General Medrano (both villains) were at explodes and the fire devours everything. Also when Bond chases a member of Quantum, bodyguard Craig Mitchell in Siena, Italy and finally kills him off.

James Bond rocks. I don't care what critics say.

Last Day In School

Finally, it's the last day of school this year. I'm going to miss school. I don't know why. Maybe I'm nuts. I'm supposed to be happy now that I can waste my time sleeping in the morning, afternoon and night. Whats wrong with me? Well, who cares?
Anyway, this is the list of activities that we did on that final day of school.
1. Jenga (Euwww......)
Bareth brought that lame game (wow, it rhymes!) to school, and then suddenly everybody wanted to play it.

2. Chess (I hate this game, don't ask me why)
This is the game that Shobhana, Tivander, Dinesh, Shahrul and Karti always play when they have nothing to do. Well, you'll see them do this frequently.

3. Boggle
"Boggle, the 3 minute word search game!", this will forever stick in my head. Another game that Bareth brought to school. Surprisingly, nobody played it. Except for Alexis, she's a loner. Poor kid.

4. Scrabble (my all-time favorite game!)
Scrabble, the first board game I've ever played (not counting Monopoly). It's kinda entertaining, and at some point, boring (at the end, you'll always get a X, Y or worse, Z).

(Nicholas and Kok Keong did this, I'm innocent. Just taking pictures, =)!

5. Arm wrestling
One of the dumbest games ever invented losing only to "rock, paper, scissors" and "jing, gu, bang"(if you don't know what game it is, thank god!) Luckily, I managed to evade playing this game since From 1.

(Bareth the Sissy trying his hand on arm wrestling!)

After waiting for hours, it was time to clean up the classroom.
(Honestly, I wasn't involved in the cleaning up process, I have slaves).

But then, I was kinda involved in this.

But we had to get the chairs down, eventually.
This was how we did it.

After school, we went to Pei Xiong's house for a game of DotA before going to watch Quantum Of Solace in MBO. Technically, it wasn't "we", it was Kok Keong, Zuo Lee and Onn Yoong. I went there just to accompany them.

By the way, Quantum of Solace was awesome! Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever. But that's another story.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

2M Class Party

We had our class party today. It was the first I ever had since primary school.
It looked something like this,

Oops, sorry, wrong pic. (FYI, that was what they did before the party, and I WASN'T involved in it, SERIOUSLY!)
It's supposed to be this,

We had a blast eating the wonderful food in front of us. Yep, it was nice. Did I mention that I couldn't stand to look at food after eating about 2 rounds of nasi tomato, fried chicken, sandwiches, chocolate cake, nuggets, french fries, junk food and loads of sprite and coke? I could just puke when even looking at forks at that time.

After that, me and Ashswita (I think I got her name right) had to become emcee for 10 seconds at that party. We started off the party with by greeting our teachers (Pn. Han invited Pn. Zaleha
our HEM teacher, yuck!), fellow students and practically living creature in the class.

Karti and Bareth gave short speeches after the arrival the teachers: Pn. Siow (science teacher), Pn. Nirmala (girls' KH teacher), Pn. Anne (geography teacher), Pn. Choo (music teacher), Pn. Maya (english teacher), Pn. Haslina (maths teacher) and Cik Narliza (civic teacher).

Then, after stuffing ourselves full, the award-giving ceremony began.
Here's the list of awards, nominees and winners:
1. Most good looking student (Male/Guy/Whatever)
- Jun Quan
- Faridzwan
- Eddie
- Seow Zuo Lee
- Aliff
- Kee Xuan
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Aliff! (I must tell you, it was chosen by Pn. Han, I personally think that she chose Aliff because I wasn't nominated, I think my classmates are blind)

2. Most good looking student (Girl)
- Alexis
- Loh Jing Tung
- Hau Jun Jia
- Shivani
- Ang Miin Shan aka Ghost Girl
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Loh Jing Tung! (Sadly, she didn't come, but Josephine took it on her behalf)

3. Hottest Guy award (what kind of dumb award is this?)
- Shahrul
- Tivander
- Nicholas
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Shahrul! HAHAHAHAHA....THIS IS FUNNY, "Ikan Busuk"!

4. Hottest Girl award
- Jing Tung
- Trisha
- Shobhana
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Trisha!

5. The most helpful student award
- Sajita
- Shivani
- Dinesh
- Onn Yoong
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Dinesh! (Frankly, I think he's most helpful in wrong situations, example: exams.)

6. Most weird student award
- Kevin
- Tivander
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Tivander! (I should've won this.....grumble....grumble...)

7. The most prepared for exam award (another dumb award)
- Trisha
- Karti
- Dinesh
- Ashswita
- Bareth
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Karti! (He deserves it, definitely. Just look at his tuition schedule)

8. Most musical student award
- Alexis
- Bareth
- Jun Quan
- Ashswita
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Jun Quan! Yay!

9. The DotA Pro Award ( dumbest award ever)
- Pei Xiong
- Onn Yoong
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Pei Xiong! (I wonder how Pn. Han chose this winner..)

10. Best Presenter Award
And the award goes to....(drums roll)................................................................................
...................................................KEVIN! (See? I'm the BEST. Well what can I say? I get this kind of awards every now and then)

11. The most quiet student award
- Kee Xuan
- Shafiqah Aqilah
- Tee Wan Lin
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Tee Wan Lin ......(silence).......................................

12. The most naughty student award
- Karti
- Eddie
- Kevin
- Nicholas
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Nicholas! (Sadly, he too didn't show up in school today.)

13. The most IRRITATING student Award
- Shuey Myn
- Iqlima
- Faridzwan
- Seow Zuo Lee
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Iqlima! (She had a archery competition going on, so she didn't receive it)

14. The Daydreamer award
- Seow Zuo Lee
- Shuey Myn
- Yeo Yi Lin
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Seow! (He sleeps the most in classes. Sorry, Seow!)

15. The most talkative student award
- Nicholas
- Yeo Yi Lin
- Shuey Myn
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Shuey Myn!

16. The most pontengs in a year for a student award (longest title too)
- Yeo Yi Lin
Well, it's a clear winner!

17. The Best Couple award
- Jun Quan and Jing Tung
- Yong Jian and Kai Kee
- Shivani and Karti
- Shobhana and Dinesh
- Ashswita and Karti
- Trisha and Bareth
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Ashswita and Karti!

18. The best fight between students award (another DUMB award....)
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Dinesh and Eddie! (They fought using brooms and shoes.)

20. Most good looking female teacher
- Pn. Han
- Pn. Maya
- Pn. Siow
- Pn. Choo
- Cik Siti Narliza (sounds better if it were GODZILLA or GORILLA, right?)
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... Pn. Han!

21. Most good looking male teacher
And the award goes to....(drums roll)..... En. Khairuddin!

The celebrations were kinda cut short by the arrival of Hj. Noh (our school's guru penolong kanan) who said that we were too noisy and started scolding us, including the teachers.

Needless to say, we still continued to party.