Monday, November 17, 2008

Visiting Grandparents' Home In Merlimau

Yesterday, my aunt dragged me, my two sisters and my cousins to my maternal grandparents' home. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't like going there. It's just that I wasn't prepared for it at all. My aunt just came and told me that I should go (she was supposed to bring my little sister there) with them. I was kinda blur then, so I just went with them.

My maternal grandparents live in Merlimau (which is really far from my house) and their house is situated in the middle of a Malay kampung. So you can definitely see many Malay kids riding on their bikes and making strange noises everywhere.

When we arrived, I saw my grandma or 'Ah Ma' picking some veggies on her garden opposite of the house. So, I went over to take some pics (naturally).

She was collecting sweet potato leaves and it's for lunch, yay!

After that, I just had to take some pictures of my 2nd favorite dog, '小白' or 'Small White' in English (It's literally translated).

Well, as you can see, he isn't exactly small anymore. And he isn't covered in white fur. But he's dumb, and that's why I like him.

See? he's dumb. I love you, dog!

When I got back to the house, I saw my aunt frying nuggets. Mmmmm......

I tried frying them later and I succeeded in creating a plate of golden brown nuggets, I rock!

The back of the house is sort of like a jungle with mosquitoes everywhere.

The mangosteen tree and three banana trees.
Looks cool, right?

This is the second dog who guards the backyard. We don't have a name for it. He's dumb too. Thank God.

The cute rabbits in their pen. Even though they look somewhat cute, it's freakin' smelly in there with the FRESH poos and pees on the ground everywhere.

My little sister, Rachel, went into the pen and caught a baby rabbit and guess what they did to it?

They put the baby rabbit into a plastic bag. Cool, right?

Did I mention that the rabbit died a few minutes later?
Just kidding.

Our secret makeshift tree house. It's really cool, 'cause you can throw sticks or stones at the dog below for entertainment. I'm REALLY sick.

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