Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some Stuff.

I probably should write something here, lemme see......
1. I like Radiohead (Jonny Greenwood, you're my hero!).
2. I suck at almost everything, seriously.
3. Oh yeah, I play Runescape. ( I know it's a dumb game, don't remind me).
4. I think Creep is a fantastic song, follwed by Paranoid Android and Just.
5. I forgot to mention I love 20th Century Boys by Naoki Urasawa ( You just GOT to read it).
6. I get pissed easily.
7. Just got hooked on table tennis.
8. Matt Bellamy's my second favourite guitarist and John Mayer's my third.
9. Looking forward to watching Terminator Salvation next year.
10. Currently thinking of ideas for next week's Youth ice-breaking games. ( Topic : BGR. I feel like puking.)

1 comment:

Mariel Nonis said...

hahhahahhaha hey kevin nice comment you left me.
you've got some great pics up, learning from my mistakes, huh?
all the best with bgr icebreakers, hv fun!! ahhahaha, oh and bring ur gf, ya.