Monday, December 15, 2008

Singapore Trip Part 2

On Friday, we went to the one and only Singapore ZOO! WOOOHHHOOO, that is like so freakin' cool you know. I just love the animals there, they show off their privates every day to multitudes of tourists. Man, I wish I could/had the guts to do that.

A sexy bat proudly showing his "thing", I think he's Batman.

A totally swollen butt of a baboon, it is said that the more swollen the butt is, the more chances there are that he'll get a mate. I think I'll try that..... 

You think this pic's clean? Think again. Wipe your glasses and you'll get what I mean. Meanwhile, I think I should say,"MAN, THEY ARE HUGE!"

Okay, moving on, before you think I'm an animal pervert. Going to a zoo is never complete without an animal show like the one that I went, called "Rainforest Fights Back!" It tells of how humans destroy rainforests for their personal gains, like building malls and making money from it. And how the animals and the "Orang Asli" living in the jungle team together to chase them away, it was pretty entertaining. But seriously, can animals really protect the rainforest by themselves? Even with some headhunters helping them, it wouldn't be easy. That is why I feel like calling all of us to go green, start planting some trees or flowers, or simply save water by turn the tap off when not in use, save electricity by turning off some lights during daylight, collect rainwater to water the plants and recycle tin cans, plastic bags and paper whenever you can. Those simple steps can not only save you some money (and even earn some) it also can prevent global warming, thus saving the earth from further destruction that we ourselves have caused.

Look closely at the guy in the cage, he's actually in the orangutan costume. Get what I mean?
If you don't, then you're really dumb. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... I pity you.

Next, we went to another show that had elephants in it. Because we couldn't get any good seats, we had to settle with the furthest bench in the amphitheatre. We had the worst view of the show, I felt like cursing, but then the elephants performed some cool tricks that had me quiet for a while.

Dead elephant, haha!

I was seriously lucky to get a picture of Inuka, the famous polar bear of Singapore.

and also the infamous white tiger who ate a Malaysian zookeeper a few weeks back. Poor guy.

This creature has to be the most unique animal of them all, THE BABIRUSA! (I'll show you the pic later)
Let me tell you a story about this animal.
Many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago, there was a BABI that was disliked by his group because he was too dirty, lazy and obese, so he decided that he would desert his group and go into the jungle away from his comfortable mudhole to search for a mate. Meanwhile, in the jungle, a naive RUSA was getting desparate because none of her male counterparts wanted to mate with her. So on one fine day, they stumbled into each other in the jungle. The deer was soo excited after meeting this strange, dirty creature that she decided to sleep with him. HAHAHAHA, and the rest, they say, is history.
Nice story, huh? It was told from generation to generations in a remote Orang Asli kampung. Nah, I made up the story. 
But imagine this,

plus this,

equals to THIS,

It's beautiful!

So this ends my post for today. Anyway, I didn't want to mention this BUT.............
I ACCIDENTALLY didn't bring any additional u________ (fill in the blank space, I'm too embrassed to say this) except the one I was wearing. Wow, that felt better! And I learned that you don't need too much of "that" when you're going places, saves space in your bag. 

I would also like to say farewell to my courageous animal friends in the Singapore Zoo, hope to see you in ten years time!

1 comment:

dy said...

LOL weih ur post super funny lar.

youve gottabekiddinme
youve gottabekinme
youve gotabekine