Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chinese New Year

Hi. I'm back. After nearly two weeks of not posting anything, I'm finally back. Well, what should I say? Oh yeah, Happy Chinese New Year to all of those people celebrating Chinese New Year, myself included, I wish that you all have loads of overflowing angpows in your pockets during the whole week while I rot in my room studying for my exams on February 14, the worst day on Earth (And it's a Saturday, too). I'm beginning to hate my school, one of the reasons was stated in the last sentence, another is because of our crazy new principal, who actually wants our band practice with a teacher around! WTF?! There has never been any problems happening in school band practices, and suddenly the &$%#@ headmaster starts saying that there must be a teacher for any practices to avoid any unecessary accidents that "may" occur. So now, we can't really parctice because my music teacher won't really want to stay back. This sucks.


Anonymous said...

yo man! checking in to say wasssuup!
happy chinese new year..remember to check out hot cousins!

Mariel Nonis said...

EXAMS ON VALENTINES DAY?? oh maaan.. i so feel for you. feb 14th is my schools sports day. now THATS depressing too.

hey, at least you have an excuse to not celebrate valentines with those girlfriends of yours:P